FAQ & Sponsors


Are hearing persons allowed to participate in Deaf Academic conference 2023 in Vienna?

No. This deaf academic conference is a safe space for deaf academics.

May all attend Deaf academic conference 2023 in Vienna? 


No, only deaf individuals who are current undergraduate and graduate students, as well as academics holding a university degree can attend Deaf academic conferences. It is a conference that gives students and graduates a chance to exchange and build their own space.

I don’t know International Sign or I barely know International Sign, what should I do?

There will be courses before the Deaf academic conference in international Sign. For more information please keep visiting the homepage and follow us DAC2023 on instagram and facebook.

How does the registration work? 


You will be informed when registration is published. Then there will be a link to buy tickets then you can directly register and buy a ticket for DAC 2023.

Do the presenters also have to buy their own tickets? 

Yes, they also have to buy a ticket.

I have registered for 1st semester study and I want to know if I can attend DAC 2023? 

Yes, it is possible but you must upload admission to the university or student ID.

I am a PhD student. Is it possible to send my student ID to buy a ticket for the student price?

Yes, please send us your student ID to prove your student status.

Will DAC2023 be presence-only or



DAC2023 will take place only in the presence.


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